7 Questions with Amy Scherber from Amy’s Bread!
There is so much to know about the brands here at 200 Lex. We wanted to offer you an inside look at the female founders of your favorite showrooms. Our series “7 Questions with…” shines some light on a few of our female founders. This week we are not looking at a showroom…. but our cafe! Here are 7 questions with Amy Scherber from Amy’s Bread!
- How did you start your business?
Amy’s Bread started with a dream of having my own business. After creating my concept, I raised money to start the bakery through loans from friends and family. I found a small space with a monthly rent of $2100 on Ninth Avenue and 46th Street. I loved the iconic old wood storefront. I hired a contractor friend to do a simple build-out and opened a 650 square foot bread bakery with 5 employees: 4 women and one man. 31 years later, we have evolved a lot but that was my beginning.
- How does your background/experiences influence your business?
I studied Economics and Psychology in college, worked in restaurants before and after college, worked in marketing research when I first came to NYC, and later I went to culinary school. The combination of business and marketing, understanding people with my psychology background, and learning to cook professionally gave me a foundation to build from. Today I am influenced by requests from customers, and by traveling and tasting with my husband and son, to find delicious new ideas.
- What makes the Café at 200 Lex special?
The café space is absolutely gorgeous. It is modern, bright, and open. We love the feel of the café, and it allows our food to stand out in the clean, white setting. We enjoy being part of a community and it has been fun to get to know many people in the building. Our team in the café makes it special because they are very personable and caring.
- What is your favorite item that you sell?
I have many favorites, but I love any of our scones in the morning, all our salads for a satisfying and healthy lunch that gives me energy, and our devil’s food cake with chocolate silk frosting for an indulgent treat. Yum!
- What is your favorite part about your job?
I love what I do because I am able to work with my team of great employees behind the scenes, and their positive attitude and enthusiasm motivate me to keep going. I also get to talk to our customers and hear about the products they enjoy and how much they appreciate what we do. I run the business with my husband Troy and am so happy to work with someone that cares so much for the bakery. I’m lucky to connect with people in all aspects of the business and that is my favorite part.
- What is the most popular item at the Café at 200 Lex?
In the morning a toasted Everything (sourdough) Bagel with cream cheese takes the prize! For lunch, our Turkey Avocado Sandwich is very popular, and the most favorite sweet treat at 200 Lex is our Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.
- What woman has most influenced you either in your career or personally?
The first woman I ever met, my mom, has been a great influence in my life. When I was growing up she was always very hard working and never stopped, but after my dad passed away, she had to become even more independent. She learned how to take on every task of a homeowner. She prunes her hedges, washes her own windows, has her own leaf blower, and takes care of everything on her own. She looks at a problem and tries to figure out how to solve it. She has always encouraged me to pursue a career and to follow my passion. I’m never afraid to tackle a situation with her as my role model. Did I mention that she is 87 and still going strong?